
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Big Bro/Big Sis: Part I

Big Bro/Big Sis is a student group/program at Moody. They are not affiliated with Big Brother/Big Sister that you've heard of, but it's the same basic idea. I am a part of it, so I thought I'd share my experience along the way. I'm gunna write things down as they happen from application to meeting my Little Sib, and then I'll post it all together!

I went to the Big Bro/Big Sis meeting this day, and felt like God wanted me to step out and do it! Later this week, I filled out my application, prayed a lot, then turned it in!

Got an email saying that I got in to the program. All I have to do is fill out a few forms and mail them in to the program. I am getting more and more excited. I have seen a few little sibs on campus, and I just can't wait! They are going through the application process with the little sibs at the moment, and we should get paired in the next couple of weeks.

A couple days ago, a girl on the other wing of my floor found me and told me that I had been paired with a little sis! She told me her name, and that she is six years old. Today we arranged to walk over to her house and meet her and her mom tomorrow! I am so excited to begin this relationship, and see what God has for us.

A week ago today, as planned, Anna (who lives on the other wing of my floor and is on the exec team for big bro/big sis) and I headed out to meet my little sis. I was so excited, and listened intently as Anna shared with me some advice, as well as experiences she has had during her relationship with her own little sis. When we got to the house, we knocked on the door to no answer. We asked around, and found out that she did live around there, but none of the kids had seen her that day. Anna called the mom, and rescheduled for the following Monday. I was a bit disappointed, of course, but had a surprising amount of peace. I knew that God was preparing me, reminding me that I would have to have patience and flexibility. I continued to pray for my little sis and her family.

That Monday, I met up with another exec member of big bro/big sis, as well as my little sib's sister's future big sib (does that make sense?) Ashley, who hadn't been paired yet either. We walked the same roads, hearing more great stories about the impact this program has made. We knocked on the door, this time being greeted by the grandma. She told us that her daughter had started a new job that day, so she had had to put the kids in the after school program for that day last minute, so plans had changed. Again, we were a bit disappointed, but happy to have met the grandma, and exchanged numbers. It definitely felt like progress. That night, Ashley and I called the Mom and scheduled to meet the next afternoon.

<to be continued>