1. Miley Cyrus and Mumford and Sons- Little Wrecking Ball
Don'y be quick to judge! You'll be surprised, I promise! All the nudity is gone from the video, I promise that too... watch! listen!
2. Sexy Christianity
If you haven't clicked through to this article after seeing it on Facebook, do it! It is truly worth the hype, and a bit of a punch in the face. This article is convicting, challenging, and helps put to words a lot of what it going on in Christian culture right now. It really made me think about my motives and desires for my relationship with God and how others perceive it. Let me know what you think of the article in the comments!
3. Twitter
After a long time off it, I am back on Twitter! It is really fun so far, tweeting everything from awkward moments during my day to retweets of life-changing quotes by C.S. Lewis, David Platt, or Christine Caine. However, my very favorite Twitter account at the moment gets it's own moment in the spotlight..
4. The Evangelical Hipster
All in good fun, this is hilarious. When I found it, I went through months of tweets laughing hysterically. Many of us have been guilty of things that they poke fun at, and going to a Bible college... yeah let's just say I see the reality of those tweets a lot.
5. Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches
I pack a lunch about every weekday for church, and sometimes I have to pack a dinner some nights too if I work both of my jobs that day. Leftovers and PBB sammies have been my go-tos this week.
6. These Pro-tips About Napping
Not that I've had any time to nap lately... a girl can dream.
7. Last Minute Halloween Costumes
My church's fall fest was last weekend, and since Zach was home for the weekend, we had planned to coordinate our costumes. This past summer we saw Despicable Me 2 in theaters and decided that would definitely be our costume this year. Until we saw Facebook and Instagram, noting that everybody and their cousin was a minion for Halloween. DANG people! just kidding. So we were left on Saturday afternoon before the party to come up with a new idea. I tried to think of famous TV couples. It was Kylie who came up with the brilliant idea of my second favorite TV couple ever (probably. don't hold me to it. Cory and Topanga definitely win first place, but a close second and way more fun costume was...)-- Zack Morris and Kelly Kapowski from Saved by the Bell.
The easiest part of this costume? I had every item for my outfit in my own wardrobe- high waisted shorts, keds, scrunchie and all. The hardest part? Zach/Zack's hair!!! How did they get it like that?
Brownie points if you made it to the end of this post.