
Tuesday, April 16, 2013


listening: to Bon Iver and car tires driving through the rainy streets outside

thinking: that I have homework to do after I type this up

smelling: perfume I put on at Sephora earlier, scones baking in the oven and peanut butter... typical.

wearing: my favorite cozy sweater from Gap, favorite jeans, and Ema's headband

dreaming: really weird things, lately...

loving: the weather in Chicago lately. 70 degree April days, sunshowers, and lightning = favorite.

[written 4/15, writing my posts in advance now like a champ

about hope

what do we look to when tragedy strikes? do we turn to a president, a parent, a friend? do we "hope for the best"? 

wait. what exactly are we hoping in? fallible humans? the greater good? 

perhaps there is a different question to ask. 

who is our hope? 

"If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied." 1 Cor 15:19

this past week has been marked by tragedy in more ways than one. my heart breaks for people I love who are grieving, and for a country in panic and fear. I am shocked. my heart feels heavy. I think about the fact that I can't even empathize. 

when we sit in that moment of despair, fighting off worried thoughts, a still small voice comes whispering in. he is the greatest comfort anyone could ever ask for. why? because he is the only one who has the power to give hope. anything else we look to in this world will disappoint, fail, or decay.