
Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Favorites!

Hello friends! Greetings from freezing and beautiful Chicago, and happy Friday to you! Long time, no see... again. More about my semester is coming soon, but for now here are some of my favorites for the week!

1. Founders Week! This week was the Founder's Week Conference here at Moody. Four and a half days of no classes, worship, speakers, and a bit of a break from everything. The speakers have been very challenging and encouraging, I am scribbling down pages of notes in every session, learning what it means to be holy as God is holy and commands us to be.

2. This video about marriage, relationships, and the gospel shown through Christ's love for the church.

3. This list of "21 Times Kelly Kapowski Taught Us How to Live" from Buzzfeed. My friend Ellen posted this on my Facebook and I was laughing so hard. Saved By the Bell is one of my favorite old shows to watch, and I'm just a tad obsessed with Kelly K... hence my halloween costume last year.

4. Gospel Choir. Two weeks ago I got to go to my first rehearsal since May! I was so blessed just by the practice, and yesterday afternoon we sang at a Founder's Week session. Lots of my friends came and my parents got to watch online, which was such a bonus to get to share it with them!

5. Kiddos God has put in my life. I went to my first night of my new PCM (Practical Christian Ministries, essentially our field study) on Monday, which is working with kids, and have gotten to hang out with my little sib (through Moody's Big Bro Big Sis) twice since being back on campus, and I am SO blessed by them.  God is teaching me so much. I may even write a whole post on this soon.

Thanks for reading! 