
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chicago Adventures

I have loved every minute of exploring this city. Everyone said I would love it here, and of course they were right. There is so much to do and see and experience. We often head out with semi-clear directions, U-Pass in hand, for an adventure. We go a lot with our bro-sis, which is the girls on my floor and a guy's floor we are paired with for the whole year! I will talk about that more in an upcoming post. Here are some things I've gotten to do so far!

{A walk to Navy Pier for the fireworks}


{A trip to the (free!) Lincoln Park Zoo}

Note: You may have to play a little game of "find that animal" for some of these photos... oops! I am investing in a real camera soon, promise! 

{& Kilwin's Ice Cream after the zoo} 


{Dinner in Chinatown}


{A trip to see the "best view of the city at night"}


{Going out for Cuban food} 


{Wrigley Field}


Monday, October 22, 2012


Enough of this silliness... Here is a little birthday survey :)
[Borrowed from: this blog]

I am: content.
I think: this is one of those birthdays where I won't feel any older.
I know: that God will exceed my expectations during this next year.
I have: the most amazing new friends here, and I feel so blessed by them every day. 
I wish: I knew which church God wants me at (patience, patience...)
I miss: my dog. And also all my favorite people. 
I fear: deep water & not being able to breathe. 
I wonder: how I will answer these questions on my 20th birthday
I regret: nothing, really. 
I love: Ema. She keeps me sane. 
I am not: sure what my roomie and friends have planned for me tonight, but I'm super excited to find out. 
I believe: in God's faithfulness. 
I dance: often. Only spontaneously, of course... (Moody friends will get this joke.)
I sing: all the time, and I'm so glad I am doing Gospel Choir. Otherwise I would be having withdrawals.
I cry: with girls from my floor during movie nights. Tangled? The Notebook? So many tears from each one of us piled onto that bunk bed. 
I always: feel better after a chapel or church service... seriously so refreshing every time. 
I listen: to the street noise every night as I fall asleep- favorite. 
I am happy about: everything! God is so good. I can't count how many times I walk into my dorm, hang up my coat, and tell Ema something along the lines of, "I feel so blessed and encouraged right now! Ahh."
[Borrowed from: this blog]

Love love love,


Do I look older? Probs not.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

awesome and awkward


  1. pinterest. ema says I'm obsessed (she's right.that's awkward.)
  2. i've gotten a lot of wonderful new music this week! i will share some of this in an upcoming post, so stay tuned.
  3. mail
  4. last night, i let ema get really close to my eyeballs with scissors (see the picture below) 
  5. my 19th birthday is on monday!


  1. my birthday is on a monday, and i have a paper due the next day!
  2. forgetting things
  3. forgetting everything
  4. things people say while waiting for the elevator outside our room, not realizing that the door is open
  5. if you didn't notice that i didn't capitalize anything in the blog post

love from joe's, 

[bangs! i know they look a little funky in this picture, but i promise they look normal in person... one can only take so many pictures of herself in public.]